Fishing in Second Life with Fish Hunt

Looks like fun,

Trying it here for more

First you goto go to the Business Park, get the HUD, then a rod... then off to fishing

Took me a while to work it out... click on your rod (once you wear it) at the water and it will cast.

The earnings, dont seem to appear as L$? working this one out. 

You gotto buy more worms, when you run out. This turned out to be a bit of a challenge, first, you go to the Worm barrel and try to buy, then it tells you to go to the ATM..

So I got a bit stuck, trick is to right click on the barrel and say pay...

Worms..... they are expensive!!!

A bad day fishing beats a good day in the office :-)

Happy fishing

Additonal info

  • Wearable fishing pals
  • help you while you fish on the Fish Hunt game
  • They talk
  • Give bonuses, win potions, and increase your chance of winning too.

There are 3 types:
  • Blue
    • 1 spoonful per cast until level 32 and then they consume 2 spoonfuls per cast. 
    • 1XP per cast
    • 5 % faster cast
    • Most common
    • 1000 casts on 1 stack of 1000 spoons of magic powder
  • Green
    • 2 spoonfuls per cast until level 32 and then it goes up to 4 spoonfuls per cast.
    • 3 XP per cast 
    • 10 % faster cast,
    • Moderately common
    • 500 casts on 1 stack of 1000 spoons of magic powder
  • Red. 
    • 3 spoonfuls per cast until level 32 and then it goes up to 6 spoonfuls per cast.
    • 5  XP per cast  
    • 15 % faster cast
    • Rare
    • 333 casts on 1 stack of 1000 spoons of magic powder
Blue is the most common, Greens are moderately common, and Red is the rare.

Shubbies level with you while you are fishing and gain 1 XP per cast themselves, at certain amounts of XP reach different levels or ages in their development.
Here's a great site with the chart showing the stages of development.

Shubbies consume white magic powder which can:-
  • Be bought in world from a Crafter.
  • Crafted yourself,
  • Be bought on the marketplace. 
In world from Crafters the cost ranges from 60L - 75L for a stack of 1000 spoonfuls depending on where the market prices are sitting for the ingredients that make it.

Shubbies can count your casts.
Reset the cast count at each fishing hole then you know when you are getting close to spooking the fish.

Shubbies can also talk to keep you amused while fishing. You can choose to teach your Shubbie to say something but keep 2 things in mind here
  1. Whatever you teach them goes to the whole network of Shubbies and can appear from any Shubbie at any time. 
  2. It costs 25L to teach it a short phrase and this does come out of your fishing earnings.

Breeding Shubbies
Shubbies do not breed the way most breedables do.
They split, or have a baby without a partner.
They do this 3 times during their life.
The first time is upon reaching level 32.
They then will split again 10,000 xp
Once more another 10,000 xp after that.

You can choose to sell or keep the babies they create. If you keep the baby remember that only one Shubbie can be active at a time. Also once you have worn and bound a Shubbie to yourself it is no longer transferable.


You can see my second article "The Care and Feeding of Shubbies" Here.
Each one gives bonuses to your fishing xp and gives you a chance of winning pet alicracity potions or regular alicracity potions, as well as a small chance of finding extra bio-waste and a small chance of finding xp potions.

Fish hunt

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